Pimpin’ Dutch

Graphic design for a live design event where public brings in broken, unwanted objects that are ‘pimped’ on the spot by designers in an open workshop. Concept, design and execution: Sjoerd Hoekstra, in collaboration with Danny Fang, Boukje Koch, Esther van Wijck and Ton van Bragt (graphics). December 2009. Detour – Police Married Quarters, Central, Hong …


People’s Paint

Graphic design for a room-sized ‘painting-by-number’ public art event. The public participated by coloring in the artwork using the brushes and paint provided. A stop motion camera with live playback records the progress. Concept, design and execution by “Local Dutch” / Sjoerd Hoekstra, Fang Studio, Ask4Me, Esther van Wijck and Ton van Bragt (graphic design).


Paul Hefting

When ‘Aesthetic Advisor’ Paul Hefting left the Dutch Post & Telecom (PTT) ‘Art & Design’ department, a publication (De Ideale Postzegel) was issued to celebrate his many contributions to the company. Ton was invited to contribute. An imaginary stamp was designed and ‘published’ in a simulated newspaper article: “Completely new stamp system introduced – because …


Emigré magazine

Ton, along with other selected Dutch designers, was invited to create a feature article in the ‘science’ section for Emigré magazine No. 25. The theme ‘On Perception: The Discrepancy Between the Formation of an Image on the Retina and the Perception of that Image’. https://www.emigre.com/Magazine/25 You can read the article here: https://oa.letterformarchive.org/item?workID=lfa_emigre_0025&LFAPics=Yes&targPic=lfa_emigre_0025_005.jpg


Zoo Agenda

Every year a ‘Zoo Agenda’ is published by zooproducties.nl. Ton created this one in 1994. A collection of self-created, semi-scientific stories loosely based on the central theme of ‘The relativity of time and space’ (De relativiteit van tijd: Iets duurt pas lang of kort als het gerelateerd wordt aan een andere tijdsdefinitie. Het aardse tijdsbesef wordt …


Studio Dumbar 1986-1991

From 1986 – 1991 Ton was designer and later Senior Designer and teamleader. During his tenure Studio Dumbar won several awards from ADCN Art Directors Club Netherlands, TDC Type Directors Club New York and the prestigious D&AD Awards in the UK. Ton Van Bragt was awarded for the following work: – 1990, Yellow Pencil for ‘Holland Festival’ …

ton van bragt design